Don't leave your brand unprotected! Protect your business by working with me to file your trademark application in no time!
The trademark registration service fee of $2,000 includes:
Comprehensive federal and state trademark search
Memo detailing likelihood of success with USPTO
Responses to non-substantive office actions
1 application filed with the USPTO
Digital Trademark Registration
Platinum Package Federal Trademark Application Service
We begin the trademark process immediately after purchase. Therefore, the most refund the client can receive back is the price paid minus $350.00. This amount is not guaranteed when requested, and only provided when the client has not yet completed the initial intake form. We will not provide a full refund after we have begun working on your trademark process.
Once a trademark is filed with the USPTO, there is no option for a refund. The client agrees to this understanding, to these services, and agrees to this policy by submitting payment via our website (or other payment portal) and submitting their intake form to our firm for representation.
*Client further acknowledges and agrees that this is a service and a physical product will not be shipped or mailed.